Your Order
How do I pay for my order?
After you have selected the product, click on 'Proceed to Pay'. Select the payment method from the given options. You can also save payment details for a faster checkout for future orders. Add payment details and complete your payment.
Can I cancel my Order?
At ShoprTV, the sellers work day and out to get your orders out to you as soon as possible. Therefore cancellation may not always be possible. You can send us a mail at orders@shopr.tv to request a cancellation, but the final decision is at the discretion of the seller. We will be in touch to let you know if cancellation is possible.
Returns and Refunds
Can I return my items for refund?
If your selected order is lost, damaged, or is not representative of what you had ordered, ShoprTV will issue you a full refund within 72 hours Submit a refund request to orders@shopr.tv and follow the below instructions: Upload and share the unboxing video of your order. Share your order ID #
How long do refunds take?
Once the refund claim is valid, the refund will be processed in 2-3 business days
Shipping and Delivery
Do I have to pay extra for delivery?
All listed items are inclusive of shipping and taxes. So you do not need to pay anything extra and can rest easy knowing that the price you see is the price you pay.
How long will delivery take?
The delivery time depends on the location of you and the seller. Sellers will ship your items within two days from when you've placed the order. The express delivery partner will ensure the order reaches you as fast as feasibly possible.
Can I track my order?
You can track your order by clicking on the order card in the orders section. Click on the track button to open the delivery partners page to track your order.
Why has my order been delayed?
Delivery time can be delayed due to multiple reasons often not in the control of the seller or the delivery partner. Please share your order number of the delayed order at orders@shopr.tv and we will immediately give an update on the status of your order.
How do I become a seller on ShoprTV?
You can fill out the application form available in the 'Become a seller' section (this can be changed). Once our team reviews it, we will notify you in an email if you are eligible to be a seller or not.
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